Two environmental organisations have paid tribute to the hundreds of volunteers across Oxfordshire who have helped to plant and restore hedgerows over this winter’s planting season.

'Hedgerow Heroes', run by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Oxfordshire and Wild Oxfordshire, saw nearly 400 people take part.

Their collective effort has regenerated 500 meters of hedgerows and established more than 2.5km of new green borders.

Helen Marshall, director of CPRE Oxfordshire, said "it’s been an amazing effort".

She added: “We are hoping that we will get the funding to run Hedgerow Heroes again next winter and would love to hear from any communities that might like to get involved.”

Jess Bouwer, hedgerows and partnerships officer at Wild Oxfordshire, said: "Hedgerows are powerhouses for nature.

"They are essential wildlife corridors and provide food, shelter, and nesting locations for a wide variety of animals."