Although nearly everybody knows of this wonderful pudding, Elizabeth David believed that authentic recipes for it are rare. This is the summer pudding recipe she includes in Summer Cooking (Grub Street, London, £12.99) For four people, stew 1lb of raspberries and ¼lb redcurrants with about ¼lb sugar. No water. Cook them for only 2 or 3 minutes, and leave to cool. Line a round, fairly deep dish with slices of one-day-old white bread with the crust removed. The bread should be of the thickness usual for sandwiches.

The dish must be completely lined, bottom and sides with no space through which the juice can escape. Fill up with fruit with a complete layer of bread. On top put a plate which fits exactly inside the dish and on the plate put a 2lb or 3lb weight. Leave overnight in a very cold larder or refrigerator. When you are ready to serve, turn the pudding out on to a dish — not a completely flat one or the juice will overflow — and pour over it the reserved juice.

Elizabeth David suggested serving it with thick cream, but declared she found it almost more delicious without.

NOTE: If you have enough fruit to make a few extra puddings that can be frozen and stored until Christmas, you will find they make a superb and refreshing pudding during the festive season.