POLICE have promised they will be unrelenting in their hunt for evil adults who have sexually exploited young and vulnerable girls for their own twisted gratification.

Yesterday, they were proved to be true to their word.

Last year’s first Bullfinch trial at the Old Bailey was a spectacular success in terms of convicting seven men for their horrific abuse of their young victims.

Yesterday was the first Bullfinch convictions since that day 13 months ago.

Significantly, it involved two of the defendants from the first trial: Zeeshan Ahmed who was convicted last year and Bilal Ahmed, who walked free after he was acquitted.

Whilst no one can question the decision of the Old Bailey jury, police deserve great credit for pursuing 27-year-old Bilal Ahmed from Maidenhead.

If you watch the video clips of his police interview that are available on our website, you will see the staggering arrogance of the man. At one point he boldly claims he will beat the allegations and will return to police demanding an apology.

Well, after his conviction that he and the third defendant Mustafa Ahmed sexually abused a pregnant, underage victim, Detective Superintendent Joe Kidman and his Bullfinch team would be permitted to enjoy a small, wry smile to themselves over his bare-faced bravado.

It remains that Thames Valley Police failed many of the Bullfinch victims with its negligence at the time of the abuse (as it similarly did in the case of Omid Ali that we revealed yesterday) but the Bullfinch team remains dedicated to clean up as much of the mess as it can.

We hope yesterday’s convictions cause the other, as yet, unidentified padeophiles with links to the Bullfinch gang even more fear that detectives will soon arrive on their doorsteps.

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