Sir –First, I would like to say a big thank you to Witney residents for the warmth and support I’ve received since being elected to represent the South Ward on our town council.

As a county councillor i see the sharp end of central government cuts to local government budgets and in a bid to protect services like social care and children’s services I understand the thinking behind the county’s decision to reduce grass cutting to twice a year.

However, I also see examples across the county of town and parish councils who have been enthusiastic, engaged and innovative enough to use their unique place at the heart of communities to keep towns and villages green and tidy through strong cooperative working across different agencies and I’d love to see Witney following that lead. For local residents overgrown areas are annoying and unsightly – regardless of who is technically responsible for them. With this in mind, one of the first things I will be proposing alongside my colleague Duncan Enright is that we form a cross-council grass and foliage team.

When we discuss the proposal it would be fantastic to welcome residents to the meeting to share their experiences and contribute their ideas so that we can finally get a plan that works for the whole town.

Laura Price
Witney Town Council
Witney South & Central
Oxfordshire County Council