Sir – Oxfordshire Highways has started work to improve (?) the two junctions on the A40 at Wolvercote and Cutteslowe. My wife and I attended an exhibition at Cutteslowe Community Centre to speak to some of the highways engineers. This was not a rewarding experience.

Among the questions asked by me and many of the other people attending: 1: Why was it decided to work on both junctions at the same time, with the potential to double the disruption?

2: Why are the roundabouts being maintained when the junctions will be controlled by traffic lights?

3: Why are cycle lanes to be installed? I have yet to see a cyclist on the A40, except perhaps on the service roads between the two roundabouts.

None of the four engineers could answer these questions, which makes one wonder why they had been sent to the exhibition. Perhaps they were the office staff and the real engineers (if there are any) were keeping well away.

Needless to say, despite assuring us that the questions would be answered, no answers have been forthcoming.

The project is scheduled for 16 months of misery for all.

Tom Williams