Sir – Your editorial (November 19) is right to argue for transparency over housing numbers and locations. This is necessary, but by no means sufficient, to gain the public buy-in that such a substantial programme needs.

Developers and councils need to demonstrate that large-scale development can be done well. The aim must be a green, pleasant, civilised place to live, work and play.

The public will expect to have an influence on the strategy – widely spread or concentrated growth. The public will also want a say on the transport links, health, education, recreation and social amenities that will be needed. They will need reassurance that high standards of design will be the norm.

Growth can pay for such things. Much of the growth in the economy is predicted to come from the ‘knowledge economy’ staffed by some highly mobile people. To attract and retain such people, developments will have to be world class.

Oxford Civic Society’s report Oxford Futures: Achieving Smarter Growth in Central Oxfordshire explored how others had faced similar challenges (see Transparently, it can be done.

Vernon Porter