Sir – On the front page, to my horror and puzzlement, I read “Under the so-called ‘Carfax guideline’, buildings within 1.2km of 23m high Carfax Tower are prevented from exceeding 18.2m in height” (Report, January 21).

Well, pardon me but is Oxford not in England any more? Has it somehow been transported to the Continent?

Just what are we mature English readers to make of all this metric nonsense?

If you must use metric measurements (groan), is it really beyond the wit and wisdom of say, Matt Oliver, to do it in tandem with the imperial measurements that probably the majority of your readers understand?

I despair every time our weather forecasters speak of xxx millimetres of rain or xx centimetres of snow etc. 20mm of rain sounds so alarming, I’m ready to drag the ark out of the garage!

At least the Americans still speak of x feet of snow and so on, yet when it is reported over here, suddenly, it is x metres of snow! It just won’t do!

Iris Ramkissoon (Mrs)