Sir – One is an ‘animal rights extremist’ if one protests against bullfighting?! (Feature, January 26.) Are you mad? One would have to be a sub-human empty shell not to. Had the article said ‘credible threats from normal, compassionate citizens’ it would have made more sense.

Instead, it goes on to take this practised torturer seriously. How gullible: what level of cruelty would you not allow someone to persuade you was okay? I gather some people at the time felt the Nazis merely saw ‘the moral question of suffering’ rather differently from us. Perhaps based on ‘aesthetics’?

That this newspaper can detail suffering inflicted by this man — and it’s the tip of the iceberg — yet at the same time allow space for argument in its favour is absolutely chilling.

Your judgment is appalling. Oxford-born, I will never again buy The Oxford Times on visits home.

Rosina Dalziel, Tavistock