THE 150th birthday of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland will see a wacky race on the eve of the Olympic torch visit to Oxford.

As the eyes of the world turn to the city, hundreds will gather for a “madcap Caucus Race” in Merton Field, next to Christ Church Meadow.

The city’s fifth Alice’s Day, co-ordinated by the Story Museum, will be celebrated over two days on July 7 and 8.

Director Tish Francis said: “The Caucus Race will have dance, street theatre and Wonderland games for all ages. We’re not revealing too many secrets, but there will be a smile on everybody’s face by the end of the day.”

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the first telling of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (AKA maths don Charles Dodgson) to Alice Liddell in 1862. Previous events attracted more than 10,000 people.

Story Museum spokesman Cath Nightingale said: “As the event coincided with the Olympic torch relay, we thought this would be perfect.”

The torch will travel through 10 county towns and villages, stopping overnight in Oxford on July 9.

Other Alice’s Day events include a flotilla of boats and an international exhibition.

The Caucus Race features in chapter three of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland when Dodo proposes everyone dries off after a swim. The race is believed to have been inspired by a picnic when Dodgson and the Liddell sisters were caught in the rain.

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