Marilyn Yurdan, the 64-year-old author of Oxfordshire Customs, Sports & Traditions believes there is a richness to the county.

It is the latest in a series of local history books by the Abingdon resident and she said: “I greatly enjoyed researching this book and looking out the photographs, most of which came from the Oxford Mail’s archive.

“There are so many fascinating ancient customs and traditions, but I was perhaps most interested in the many modern ones that have sprung up, such as egg-rolling at Blewbury and Jarping in Chinnor, which I think are just as valuable as the medieval customs.

“Oxfordshire has the best of both worlds though and I think there are many reasons for that; people feel that their heritage is disappearing with time and they want to protect it, while rural communities are passing on their customs.

“Our geography in central England also makes us open to all sorts of influences and the university has also brought in so many customs over the years which have added to the richness further.”

Mrs Yurdan is now writing a book about the pupils at her former school Holton Park Girls Grammar School (now Wheatley Park School).

She said: “I am thrilled that another former Holton girl, the Home Secretary Theresa May MP, has agreed to write the foreward.”