IN response to Mr S Shield (ViewPoints, April 15), I agree with him, but alas, he has missed the main point on repairs, or substandard repairs, to our roads.

Poorly-repaired holes today will ensure subcontractors will fill the same holes and more next year, keeping them in work year after year.

I remember holes being lined with liquid tar to make them waterproof, then sealed, filled with Tarmacadam, rolled, trimmed and sealed with liquid tar. A ‘bobcat’ was the machine for cutting the holes into squares or oblong shapes – many times quicker than today’s pick and shovel. So you can see why that machine has gone to the graveyard.

Now the health and safety brigade are involved, not allowing the use of hot tar.

Now, if the contractors can’t use hot tar, relief is on the way for motorists. Yellow, white and red lines will all need refurbishment at some period of time. The material for this is heated the same as tar. I rest my case.

I worked for a different council for a very short period of time, taking away shale by truck. All they wanted was to keep cutting corners to save costs. My principle is ‘a job worth doing is worth doing well’.

W HORLICK, Field Close, Kidlington