By Greg Ritchie

OXFORD residents living in St Margaret’s ward can expect to live over ten years more than their counterparts from across the city, according to official life expectancy figures.

The data shows the scale of health inequality in the city, with those in the most deprived areas dying at a significantly younger age than those in more affluent areas – despite living a few mere miles away.

Men in affluent wards such as St Margaret's, Marston, and Wolvercote can expect to live comfortably into their mid-80s.

However, those who live in more deprived wards - such as Blackbird Leys, Littlemore, and Northfield Brook - can expect to live a full decade less.

The figures paint a similar pictures for female life expectancies across the city.

Women in Wolvercote, Summertown, and St Margaret’s can all expect to live to 88 years old.

This is in sharp contrast to those in Northfield Brook ward, where the life expectancy is only 78.