Sir - I welcome the county's 20mph speed limit report and I hope that it puts an end to a piecemeal introduction of new limits in Oxford city.

A more sensible and comprehensive approach has been long needed, and the Liberal Democrats on the city and county councils have called for this for some time.

The benefits of 20mph speed limits are well known, of course: increased cycling, increased walking and a better street environment for all, including cars. What we need now is detailed and full consultation with local residents and businesses about where these limits should go, and possibly the days of time they should operate.

Some roads we might all agree should not be changed, for example the Marston Ferry Link Road. I think this road is well-designed insomuch as it has a separate pedestrian and cycle way.

However, we must consider our historic and beautiful city and conservation areas when designing the signs and keep their clutter to a minimum. Painted signs on the roads, for example, are less obtrusive than signs on poles and I urge the Conservative Cabinet Member to consider this.

Roz Smith, Oxfordshire County Council