Sir - We are grateful that your coverage of our campaign High Priority has stirred such an interesting debate in the letters pages of your newspaper.

From whatever viewpoint, and some make very valid points, most of your correspondents acknowledge the vital role the High Street plays in Oxford's heritage. While it is the main link between East Oxford and the city centre, there is clear proof that the High Street has unduly suffered from the presence of too many buses since the Oxford Transport Strategy was introduced.

To ease the pressure from buses, we are suggesting that many of the London and airport buses, start from park-and-rides linking through to Thornhill. This is based on evidence that a good number of people using these services either travel first into Oxford or add to the traffic around the ring road to reach Thornhill.

We ask that both councils and the bus companies look at our suggestion, as a starter. Such an initiative will help St Aldates, also, as this is to undergo major carriageway repairs from mid-August.

Graham Jones, Oxford High Street Business Association