A ballot for industrial action by postal workers in Oxford was being completed today.

Earlier this month, postal workers in the city voted to ballot for industrial action over increased workloads.

Union officials said mail workers took the decision at a time when they were bearing the brunt of public frustration for post arriving later in the day.

They claimed public disquiet was already taking its toll on the workforce, with staff leaving as a result.

The unanimous vote in favour of industrial action raised the threat of more than 200 workers going on strike in the city as soon as August.

Bob Cullen, area processing representative for the Communications Workers' Union, said: "We are balloting for industrial action at the five delivery offices in Oxford, not the mail centre.

"About 300 people took part in the ballot and all the papers should be in by the end of the day.

"The responses from each office have to be analysed so we are not expecting a result until Monday.

"If there is a decision to go for strike action, that would have to be passed to the Post Executive on Thursday and the strike would not go ahead for another seven days."

Royal Mail is expected to respond later today.