I know it's a few weeks since this happened, but I've only just got the nerve to write about it.
Turned up for what I thought was the baby's check, to find out it was for both of us.
After annoying the hell out of the little one for 10 minutes, the doc turned to me.
"Everything alright down below?" he asked.
Now, when it comes to discussing my bits or even worse, showing my bits, I am the first to leg it.
- Doctor's surgeries, even communal changing rooms are a no-no.
"She's a really good baby, never cries," I offered.
"Lovely, so is everything ok down below?" he asked again.
"What about sex?"
Oh my God, was has asking or offering?
By the time he asked me about my bowel movements I was puce and edging for the door, but there was no escape this time.
Fact: If you're thinking about getting pregnant, leave your dignity at the door and make sure you are always wearing nice pants.