Just had a lovely weeekend with Nanny and Grandad - Littl'un flipped out when they arrived and threw hrself into entertaining them with her antics.
We don't realise it because we're with her all the time, but they notice real changes in her every time they see her, especially with her speech.
Most of the weekend this mainly consisted of: "Nannnnnneeeeeeee!" and "Grandaaaaaadddddd!"
Highlight of the weekend had to be our family swimming trip to Abingdon pool where she shocked and amazed them by throwing herself into the pool like a lunatic.
For the first time ever I got to sit in the jacuzzi for a while (usually I'm running about trying to keep up with her and making sure she doesn't throw herself in the deep end). Bliss!

Something strange happened yesterday though. I poppped into Toys R Us at lunchtime to ask them to adjust Littl'un's car seat - the chest straps needed to be higher.
A girl came out and was just about to finish it when she said: "That's weird. This seat doesn't actually fit your car. Seeing as I only bought the seat about 8-9 months ago and it was fitted by them, I thought this was pretty strange too!
Anyway, off she went inside to talk to her manager and it turned out we did have an ill-fitting seat.
Half an hour later she handed me a brand new seat which makes the other one look like it was built in the time of the Ark.
Basically, my other seat sat on the car seat and had the seatbelt go through all sorts of clips, turns and god knows what to secure it.
With this one, I took two small clips, put them into existing slots in my car seat and then clicked the car seat straight into them - no seat belt, no fuss, took minutes - awesome.
Of course this didn't go completely without a hitch. When I picked Littl'un up from nursery last night I put her in the chair and then spent about 15 hot and sweaty minutes trying to click the buckle around her before realising there was a certain technique to it.