Great club night this week with suggestions abounding for not only the November production but also for well into next year. 2009 is our 60th Anniversary and naturally we shall celebrating this impressive landmark with special events and plays carefully chosen with this is mind. One suggestion is we stage ‘Still Life’ by Noel Coward. Now Still Life is the play from which the film ‘Brief Encounter’ came so no doubt you know the story. This is the first full-length play (although it’s short) the group staged way back in the early fifties. Earlier productions consisted of one-act plays. The idea would on the last night of the run to have a gala dinner. Sounds good to me I’ve booked the tickets and reserved the table already.
Other ideas for plays include Losing Louis and Absent Friends, scenarios of both I covered in earlier blogs.
Our Children’s Drama Workshop is planned this year for September 13th and 14th. Parents of budding stars please note dates and times:
Saturday 13th September, 9am-1pm, ages 6-10 years
Sunday 14th September, 12-6pm, ages 11-16 years
Venue- Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor Village Hall.
Contact Susi Dalton for further info. (01865 820196).
Now we are planning to build a trolley to go under the stage on which we will store all manner of items from electrical apparatus to paint. Anyone wishing to have a go at constructing this item for suitable remuneration please contact Mike Lacey on 01865 736913. This is an important exercise for us, as it will save members crawling under the stage on hands and knees and running the risk of never being seen again. I reckon we’ve lost several members this way.
Now is there anyone keen learning the art of theatre lighting? Our lighting Guru, we’ll call him Ian, is looking to take things a little easier but is more than willing to pass on his skills to another. So if you are looking for a way to fill the cold dark evenings and even on winter nights this is it. Why not just come along one Tuesday evening and have a look. No obligation as they say.
Today I am celebrating the life of P G Medd who as you will know died this day in 1908. He published a new version of the Book of Common Prayer in Latin in 1865. I think I shared a railway carriage with him once.
Anyway, moving on, during a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director ‘how do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalised?’
‘Well,’ said the Director, ‘we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub.’
‘Oh, I understand,’ said the visitor. ‘A normal person would use the bucket because it’s bigger than the spoon or the teacup.’
‘No.’ said the Director, ‘A normal person would pull the plug ‘Do you want a bed near the window?
My pal Chuffer George, the old actor/manager keeps sending me jokes to consider for me blog. However most of them would put me up a as a guest of Her Majesty if I passed them on let along suffering the wrath of the good people at the Oxford Mail. So keep sending them George.