WANTAGE Magistrates’ Court could be closed for good, the Ministry of Justice announced today.

The ministry has placed the court on a list of 21 in England that face closure in a bid to save money.

A decision on its future will be made following a consultation, which ends in January.

A report said the two-room court was underused and inadequate.

Cases have been listed rarely since 2008 and no staff are based there.

The move would see Wantage cases heard at Didcot Magistrates’ Court.

Henley Magistrates’ Court was shut in 1999 and Thame Magistrates’ Court was closed three years later.

Justice Secretary Jack Straw said: “Many of the courts that we are consulting on closing do not have suitable facilities for victims and witnesses; in addition a number do not allow adequate access for disabled court users.

“I do not believe it would provide good value for money to bring these buildings up to the required standard.”

To comment on the plans visit justice.gov.uk