SCHEMES to build 44 new affordable homes in west Oxfordshire have been given the go-ahead.

The three projects have been granted planning permission by district councillors.

The largest scheme is in Long Hanborough, where Vale Housing is planning 24 homes.

Cottsway Housing Association is planning to build 12 homes in Chadlington, near Charlbury, and eight homes in Wootton, near Woodstock.

All three villages are in need of affordable homes, as house prices are considerably higher than average incomes in the district.

It is hoped that building work will start next year and that some of the homes will be completed later in the year or in early 2011.

The developments have been approved under the council’s rural exception policy, which means that applicants for the homes need to have a connection with the villages.

Jill Dunsmore, the council’s cabinet member for communities, said: “Housing is expensive in west Oxfordshire and this often forces people to move away from their home area, leaving family, friends and sometimes employment behind. These new schemes are designed specifically to help people remain in their home area.

“They’re a real boost to our campaign to provide more rural affordable housing in west Oxfordshire.”

In 2008-9, the council has given planning permission for 115 new affordable homes across the district.