Cowley residents claim their area has been let down by transport planners.

Some told the city council's Cowley area committee on December 5 that parking restrictions in the area were routinely ignored by drivers, while others said contractors working for utility companies made a bad job of resurfacing roads after digging them up.

Dangerous parking in some streets regularly forced lorry drivers to reverse along blocked roads, the meeting heard.

Other complaints raised during the heated debate included the increasing number of drivers parking illegally on Between Towns Road to use a bank machine near the shopping centre.

Mike Crook, of Knolls Road, said: "The restrictions are not enforced by anyone.

"If you ring the police, they say it isn't their responsibility but the city council say it is down to Control Plus security firm which handles the parking fines for the city council."

Colin Carritt, a county council highways engineer, promised a comprehensive review of the Cowley ward's roads.

He said solutions might include asking Control Plus to do more spot checks.