The Rev James Cocke and other readers are wrong about the proposed size of Windmill Primary School at Headington, Oxford.

I certainly would not send my children to a 900-pupil primary school. No doubt, many readers have the same feelings and will not now apply for a place at the school.

The truth is that the school will have about 400 pupils when it becomes a new primary in September next year. It was never intended to be the size quoted by your correspondents.

This information is freely available and I, therefore, find difficulty in understanding the misconceptions being spread.

Could the writers of these letters please explain to me how you would fit 900 pupils into the site of Headington Middle School?

The governors and staff of Windmill School have taken a lot of time and effort to plan and start to develop a happy, warm, caring and welcoming school which should not be damaged by inaccurate gossip.


Chairman of Governors

Windmill First School