Fledgling companies in Oxfordshire are being held back because when it comes to generating sales because they just don't know their onions.

That is the view of Barrie Giles, founder of business support firm set4success.

He said: "One of the great things about Oxfordshire is its strong entrepreneurial drive, encouraged by the academic environment and the business community.

"However, to bring these ideas to fruition requires a determined sales effort, and all too often those with the best business ideas don't know where to start."

Now set4success is launching a series of six workshops, which include intensive coaching and help with the application of the theory to the individual business. The Sales Generator programme is led by Dave Pettit of SalesInsight, an experienced salesman who has helped many companies improve the volume and profitability of their revenues.

The Sales Generator half-day seminars will take place at the Oxford Belfry, near Thame, starting on May 15.

To book a workshop place, call 08704 441840 or see the website at www.set4success.co.uk