A village primary school with only three teachers and 60 children has won a School Achievement Award for raising standards.

Teachers and support staff at Longworth Primary School, near Faringdon, are to share £1,760 in recognition of their achievements in English and science in the past three years.

Local MP Robert Jackson and Oxfordshire's acting chief education officer, Roy Smith, have praised the staff and governors for their hard work.

In a letter to headteacher Richard Briley, Mr Smith said: "This award is richly deserved and comes as a result of much hard work, skilful teaching and dedicated support. I would like to thank you for what you are doing to provide a good education for young people in this part of the county."

To win the award, Longworth achieved improved levels of national test results in both subjects over a three-year period.

Secretary Jill Heasman said: "The strength of the school is undoubtedly its family atmosphere and the involvement of parents and the community."