Millions of pounds are to be spent over the next 12 months on repairs and maintenance on former council houses.

The £6.2m will be spent by South Oxfordshire Housing Association, which took on the houses from South Oxfordshire District Council in 1997.

Richard Peacock, the association's chief executive, said a promise was made then that they would catch up with repairs.

He said that had been a high priority and by the end of the next financial year the repairs will be done.

The repairs and planned maintenance will include new doors and windows, kitchens, bathrooms and central heating.

South Oxfordshire Housing Association has just spent over £1m on essential structural repairs to 200 concrete system-built houses in Berinsfield, Crowell, Aston Tirrold and Marsh Baldon.

Rosy Bowyer, director of property services, said: "We have completed repairs to these homes on time and within budget working in partnership with our tenants, consultants and contractors."