Has someone got to be killed before something is done about the traffic lights at the Tesco roundabout at Cowley, Oxford?

There was a three-vehicle smash there on Saturday morning which needed all three emergency services in attendance.

In the short time that the lights have been installed, there have been more accidents and near misses than the previous 12 months.

When are the faceless people who approved this plan going to come out of their invisible offices and explain why someone has to be killed before they will rectify the situation?

Through your paper, many people have asked this question, but the silence is deafening. I challenge these people to explain themselves in your columns, or have they too much to hide?

Why are our local councillors not voicing their concern, or are they happy just to attend meetings and collect their expenses cheques each month?

Andy Beal, Sandy Lane, Blackbird Leys, Oxford