Statistics show that a tiny minority of people in our communities are responsible for a huge number of crimes.

So the arrest of just one man yesterday may have made a significant dent in the crime figures.

The suspect, who has been linked with drugs, car and cycle crime and burglaries, has now been detained after being caught hiding in a bush during a police campaign dubbed Operation Backlash.

Many such operations lead to suspicions that they are more for public relations show than actual crime fighting.

But, after 71 arrests of habitual offenders and bail jumpers, Backlash is shaping up to be the real deal.

Police often know who the persistent offenders are, so it is right that they should be targeted vigorously in the name of the law-abiding majority.

Society seems to put criminals' civil rights first but, while proper procedures should always be followed, we're delighted to see the victims' needs taking priority at last.

More power to the elbow of every officer involved.