AT Parkinson’s UK, we campaign to make sure that people living with Parkinson’s are treated fairly, with access to the support they need.

However, too many people affected by the condition are missing out on key services, depending on where they live.

Essential services like specialist nurses, therapists and respite care save money and make a huge difference to quality of life for people with Parkinson’s. It’s a false economy to cut services that help people stay independent and keep them out of hospital and care homes.

National guidelines set out the services that people with Parkinson’s should be getting. But the level of support and care they receive is still largely dependent upon the area in which they live.

That is why we are calling on the people of Oxford to sign our Petition for Fair Care, to ask the Government and decision-makers to protect services and make sure people with Parkinson’s get quality care that meets national standards – wherever they live.

For more information on how to get involved and sign the petition go to: faircarepetition, or call the Campaigns team on 020 7932 1325 Caroline Bartlett, South Central Manager, Parkinson’s UK