I AM not surprised that the newly created planning review committee reaffirmed the planning consent granted in April by Oxford City Council for the proposed Blackbird Leys swimming complex to replace Temple Cowley Pools (Oxford Mail, June 3).

There is nothing new offered in the proposed Blackbird Leys swimming pool complex which was not available at Temple Cowley Pools, and I maintain that, had proper maintenance been carried out, Temple Cowley Pools could have remained open longer.

Of course a new pool at Blackbird Leys, equipped with the latest technology will be a vast improvement. But there is no reason why the plant in Temple Cowley Pools could not have been replaced with that proposed for the new complex.

Considering that the council received more than 10,000 protestations and dismissed them of being of no consequence, makes me suspect that there may be other motives.

It is hard to understand why councillors, whose wards will not benefit by this move, are willing to lose a much-needed amenity and saddle council taxpayers with a bill for the next 25 years for an amenity lost forever.

Whatever the reason, I feel the decision to go ahead with the new pool at Blackbird Leys has come too late, as recently it was announced that an eight-lane 70m length competition pool is proposed for Didcot.

If that application gets off the ground, the Didcot pool will attract competitive sports and, of course, television.

This will leave the new pool at Blackbird Leys high and dry.

It is not too late to rescind the decision and design a complex with slides, water chutes and wave-making machines.

This is what the majority of people want.

VIM RODRIGO, Rivermead Road, Rose Hill, Oxford