SO now we have a trio of ‘little Englanders’ in the Oxford Mail – Limmer, Tucker and Winkfield.

I thought this aberration was gone but no, it seems the first talks about Stasi (East German police) on the subject of CCTV in cabs (good idea to protect the cabbies and their passengers). What has that to do with the former East German police?

Then he goes on about refuse collection. I need to know what that has to do with the police in East Germany.

There is a link with Mr Tucker’s letter. Mrs Angela Merkel, I believe, came from East Germany in the first place. Her former people would have fought tooth and nail to oppose Hitler. He would not have been on East Germany’s Christmas card list.

Then he says we are an island (yes, look at the map). Then Mr Winkfield proposes closing the border to our island from any undesirables coming here.

May I make a suggestion to Mr Winkfield? Bring all the troops from overseas postings back here and position them around the country (say every 50 yards) to make sure the nasty people are sent packing (of course this will not include Wales or Scotland. Foreigners).

I must say I read all the letters in the Oxford Mail. Mr Limmer’s do make sense but not this latest missive. As he has the Christian name Glyn, I will forgive him – got to have a Welsh background?

MIKE EVERETT, Upper Road, Kennington