THE Oxford Brass Players will play a charity concert on New Year’s Day to raise much needed funds for Vale House, the dementia care home in Botley.

The event will be held at Cowley Conservative Club from 8pm and will feature the band plus special guest, Marilyn Elliott from the Royal Academy, London. The group hope to raise £1,000 on the night through ticket sales and raffles, all of which will go to charity.

Frank Wolff, organiser for Oxford Brass Players, who has been involved in 85 overseas tours with different bands said: “It is a varied programme.

“Light-hearted as they may be, all of the musicians are extremely talented. We all work very hard but when you see how the money is used it’s all worth it.”

Vale House manager Tricia O’Leary said: “The money will go towards our fund for a new care home in Sandford-on-Thames where we will accommodate 40 elderly people with alzheimers who can no longer live at home.”

Tickets cost £3. Call 01865 326271 for details.