Pupils at the village school learned how deaf people could keep in touch with the world in 1975.

A new invention called Phonetype allowed users to type a message and send it by teleprinter. After seeing the machine, the children decided to raise £160 to buy one for a deaf Newbury woman.

It was all hands to the ropes when the Friends of St Michael and All Angels Church decided to host an evening of classical music in the grounds of the manor house in 1981. Volunteers are seen in the middle picture tightening the marquee ropes.

Primary schools across Oxfordshire created computer-produced books, then put them on display at Dillons bookshop in Oxford. Clifton Hampden pupils proudly show their work in the bottom picture – left to right, Anna Block, 11, Tom Semlyon, eight, Michael Block, eight, Lucy Renshaw, six, Caroline McFarlane-Watts and Erica Bowden, eight.