ST GILES’ will be closed tomorrow as a national bike race roars into town.

Cycling enthusiasts are gearing up for one of the biggest events Oxford has seen.

Round three of the Halford Tour Series, featuring the country’s top teams, Olympic gold medallists and World Champion riders, will take place in St Giles where a 1km oval circuit is being created.

Olympic gold medallist Ed Clancy and World Champion Andy Tennant are among those taking part after county councillor Arash Fatemian, the council’s then-cycling champion, helped to bring the cycling tour to Oxford.

There will be an Oxford versus Cambridge University race, and a race for women riders, before the main event starts at 7pm.

Cyclists are expected to reach speeds of up to 40mph.

Tour spokesman Angel Grant said the series was now in its fourth year.

She added: “We were in Durham on Thursday night and got a great reception.

“We are really looking forward to our first visit to Oxford which is well known as a city for cyclists.

“There are about 50 cyclists in the tour series, 25 women racing, and two teams of five riders in the university race.

“This is a huge spectacle and we are hoping lots of people come and watch.

“The race is filmed for ITV4 and will be shown at 8pm the following day. There are lots of tight corners on the 1.4km course in Oxford so it should be exciting.”

Stalls set up by cycling groups for the event will open from 2pm and there will be activities for youngsters.

Mr Fatemian has said he hopes the country’s top cycling event, the Tour of Britain, would one day come to Britain.

County council spokesman Owen Morton said: “Road closures will be in place all day for St Giles’, Magdalen Street East and Magdalen Street West, parts of Beaumont Street and the Pusey Street junction with St Giles’.”

Diversions will be the same as those used for the St Giles Fair, via South Parks Road for eastbound traffic and via St Margaret’s Road and Walton Street for southbound traffic.

Buses and taxis will be diverted to Broad Street.

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