IN response to Virginia Moffatt’s letter (Last Tuesday’s ViewPoints): yes, there is a big problem with oversubscription for primary school places in Oxford.

Our Lady’s School is no exception, having been oversubscribed for the past few years. To meet the growing demand for places other schools already have, or are in the process of becoming, two-form entry (60 children each year).

Currently Our Lady’s School admission number is 45 and this means that a number of parents do not get a place for their child at the school of their choice.

In order to meet the needs of the community which the school serves, the governing body, liaising with the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, proposes to increase the admission number to 60. This would gradually bring the maximum number of children on roll up to 420 from 311 now.

Unfortunately, the school’s present site offers no room for further expansion. It is for this reason that relocation to land adjacent to St Gregory’s Secondary School is under consideration.

The ethos and spirit of a school is not created by location or building but by the staff, governors and others working within the school, so I see no reason why this should suffer.

Access to the proposed new site (off Shelley Road) is quite independent of access to St Gregory’s (using Cricket Road).

SHEILA CARROLL (Mrs) Wilkins Road Cowley Oxford