A HOUSING association’s headquarters could be demolished in a multi-million-pound scheme to improve the area opposite Didcot Parkway railway station.

South Oxfordshire District Council is asking Soha Housing to consider demolishing its current building, Royal Scot House, where about 100 staff work, so that the wider area can be redeveloped.

The council said transforming land opposite the station, known as the Didcot Island site, was key.

District council leader Ann Ducker revealed it was in talks with Soha about Royal Scott House.

Mrs Ducker said: “We propose it is demolished and rebuilt nearby, allowing for affordable housing to be built alongside it.”

Soha’s chief executive Richard Peacock said: “Soha housing is happy to help South Oxfordshire District Council and the Homes and Community Agency concerning the regeneration of the Didcot Island site. However, no plans have yet been agreed.”