I READ Ken Roper’s letter in regard to diesel engine pollution with interest (Oxford Mail, July 23).

He asserts that diesel engine fumes are less dangerous than petrol engine fumes – that invisible particles in diesel/petrol engines are responsible for health problems.

Well we all must have seen the “Smokey Joes” diesel cans on the road, smoke that is not invisible but choking to the lungs.

Diesel fuel can destroy clothing and wood in its liquid form far quicker than petrol, so logic would say that this would follow on that diesel fumes are more lethal.

Then Mr Roper lets his true feelings come to the fore, calling smoking a filthy habit.

When I gave up smoking in 1976 I promised myself I would not become one of those born-again non-smoker fanatics.

Alas, Mr Roper has fallen into this trap.

GLYN LIMMER Roosevelt Road