Well, believe it or not, for once I have nothing to moan about. The thing is, some days on the road have a totally different impact than others and yesterday was just such a day.

I was making my usual journey to work at my current contract, which covers a few different roads including some dual carriageway and some A and B roads.

The first part of my journey however is on a winding country road; now, I’ve spent most of my life living in rural locations and have always loved and appreciated the countryside and its wildlife.

I have never associated it with driving before though, always preferring to spend time walking or sitting by the river with a bottle of wine in order to soak up the real rural experience.

Today was somewhat of a revelation though as I had the most wonderful drive into work.

As I cruised along, enjoying the radio and sipping coffee from a travel mug, I rounded a bend and noticed the sun, floating like a huge shimmering golden orb diffused by a veil of early morning mist.

I slowed down instinctively and started to take note of things that are not usually apparent unless I am on foot.

The trees and hedgerows lining the verges glistened with dew-laden spider’s webs and the foliage was dripping with moisture from the mist.

Two squirrels scampered across the road in front of me before leaping into the hedgerow on the opposite side of the road.

A little further up the road a baby rabbit charged from the verge and zig-zagged in front of me in a crazy suicidal game of chicken before stopping dead in the middle and staring defiantly back at me.

The road was empty in front and behind so it was easy to avoid the cheeky little scamp without flattening him.

A group of crows resembling funeral ushers looked on disappointedly, no doubt hoping that the little fella had not been so lucky.

As I rounded the next bend, a muntjac doe was feeding on grass at the road edge. She froze and bristled with the anticipation of flight from a possible predator, and her large dark eyes blinked as I passed by.

All too soon I was on the A43 and continuing my journey as usual.

Before long I was dealing with the usual myopic muppets and impatient maniacs of early morning works traffic while reflecting on how sometimes it can actually be a pleasure to drive on the roads of God’s own county.