WANTAGE will fight to save the Sweatbox youth centre as county council funding is withdrawn, declared the town’s county councillors.

The youth centre, at the King Alfred’s East Site in Springfield Road, is one of 21 county youth centres which will have grants taken away in March because of Oxfordshire County Council’s spending cuts The council has instead invited residents to run the centres.

Zoe Patrick and Jenny Hannaby, county councillors for Wantage and Grove, have met with King Alfred’s school staff and youth worker Garry Kingett, and hope to set up a steering group to save the centre.

Zoe Patrick said: “Over the past six years, over 3,231 teenagers had taken out membership at the Sweatbox. It is somewhere young people can call their own, feel safe, make friends and have fun.

“It not only serves Wantage and Grove, but also surrounding rural areas. If this closes, it will be another blow to the young people in the community.

“They have already had to fight to retain the youth facilities when the Sweatbox was closed down temporarily in the summer months. Unless the community comes to the rescue, the youth facility will close.”

Jenny Hannaby said: “It is essential we keep these much needed facilities. There is nowhere else for the youngsters to go and they will end up roaming streets and park areas.

“I am very disappointed the county youth service has not recognized Wantage as a