I HAVE to be honest, seeing the Osmonds, the actual Osmonds, step out onto the stage in the flesh just didn’t quite have the same jaw-dropping impact that watching them burst into synchronized, twirling, white jump-suited action on TV had 40 years ago...

But then, they didn’t bring Donny and I was probably also slightly easier to impress at seven-years-old.

However, there is no doubt that Merrill, Jay and Jimmy delivered a fantastic night out.

Osmondmania was well and truly alive as we all leapt to our feet from the very first note and remained standing for the entire concert.

A few original 70s scarfs were proudly waved as the brothers performed favourites to sway to Let Me In, sing to Long Haired Lover From Liverpool and dance to One Bad Apple.

We were also treated to a number from their barbershop roots sung at incredible speed, wowed by a drum solo from Jay, given tasters from their new album, and thrown Merrill’s sweaty tissue.

“Gross!” grimaced Jimmy, as it was eagerly snatched up. Not by me – I couldn’t quite reach.

Turning the house lights up between each song was a lovely touch, allowing the brothers to engage with their audience as they gently ribbed each other and delivered one-liners.

And inviting fans to call out their favourite song, and performing a few bars of each request unaccompanied, highlighted the faultless and beautiful harmony they can achieve. These guys can sing.

Their encore was Love Me For A Reason, and we did. And after 54 years in the business they deserve it.