PEOPLE will be rightly concerned that the leader of Oxford City Council allowed the letter over his name in the latest edition of Your Oxford to be printed and distributed with so many inaccuracies, as reported in your paper (November 13).

While there is understandable worry that changes to the benefit system may cause hardship, bringing several benefits together into the new Universal Credit should help people to get all the benefits for which they qualify as well as simplifying the administration, thereby reducing costs.

What was wrong in Cllr Bob Price’s letter were the statements that child benefit was one of the benefits involved, that people would be forced to apply for benefits online and that mothers would no longer be able to receive child benefit direct.

Thank goodness the errors were spotted by my colleague Cllr Tony Brett, though not before 27,000 copies of the magazine had been delivered. A new version will have to be printed and, at my request, will be accompanied by a note to all households who had received the original one.

We have not yet been told who will bear the costs of the revision and new printing.

JEAN FOOKS Leader, Liberal Democrat group, Oxford City Council