HIDDEN in plain view, an open secret, people turned a blind eye while Jimmy Savile sexually abused young teenage girls and boys.

The BBC hasn’t been open and honest about what went on but now the truth is coming out. It seems that many people knew of Jimmy Savile’s lust after young girls but nothing was ever done.

Even as far back as the 1950s, when he ran a dance hall in Leeds, there were whispers, suspicion, things said.

Trapped in a sticky web of deception, he had the perfect cover with his charity work: “Not Jimmy, he’s such a good man, it just can’t be true.”

But all his good work does not balance out the terrible wrong he did to these young people.

Sadly, abuse of young people is common and often goes hidden for many years. The biggest fear is one that you’re not going to be believed.

The “whole truth” should be told and just maybe some will have closure on their awful experiences.

CHRISTINE D. FRIEND (Mrs), Harwood Road, East Hagbourne