OXFORD City Council is failing local communities.

Bill Baker’s comment (February 13) regarding the community centres facing closure threat is no pie in the sky.

The Labour-run city council only wants to give out the three-year leases of community centres so that they are unable to obtain grants and fail.

They are fully aware that the procurement of grants from places like the Lottery are based on long- term projects. They would look upon a three-year lease as not being value for money that would benefit the communities they serve.

The Labour-run council doesn’t want to be seen to be closing community centres.

However, if they fail due to being unable to obtain such grants, then they can say it’s the association committee that has failed, not them.

It’s a lot easier for them to get a site developed as it takes responsibility off their hands and any costs they may have incurred in the future.

The Labour-run city council should be supporting the people it serves and the communities within. These centres are the hub of the communities but, at present, their future is not being helped by unco-operative and unsupportive councillors and council.

You serve them, not the other way around. Perhaps you should be rated on value for money.

Perhaps the city councillors should be listening to the people who put them in power.

STEVEN BENNETT Marston Road Marston