I am writing to express my absolute disgust at the way the council planning office has mislead the Cowley residents immediately affected by the development of the Lord Nuffield Club and the 43 dwellings proposed on the adjoining Green Space at William Morris Close in Barracks Lane.

The proposal to change the Lord Nuffield Club to the Tyndale School it seems was already cut and dried before the final date for objections on December 20.

The fact that a headmistress had been appointed and was looking for staff was reported in the Oxford Mail weeks before this. We have now had leaflets asking parents to register their children for a school start of September 2013 pushed through our doors.

As for the dwellings, these are being proposed to be built on green space. I, like others, was under the impression that there was a covenant on this area.

Our Government is pushing for healthy exercise for all, to try to cut NHS figures in the future, but our council wants to cover our bit of green space in houses.

Any objections will fall on deaf ears.

So much for democracy!

If these proposals go through the volume of use, both traffic and pedestrians, in Barracks Lane will increase to a dangerous level. We have a very busy junction on to Hollow Way, which is much used by all emergency services, and I think that, with an increase in vehicles and children, this is an accident waiting to happen.

I would also point out that residents in the area with no parking outside their homes have to use Barracks Lane. This will probably end up as a double yellow lined area. Where will they park then?

P. HAMILTON Hollow Way Cowley