OXFORD’S Lord Mayor has responded to the international row he caused by saying he has no strong feelings about the independence of West Papua.

After Mohammed Abbasi turned up at the opening of the Free West Papua campaign’s offices in Cowley Road, Britain’s ambassador to Indonesia was asked to clarify the UK’s position on the dispute.

The Free West Papua campaign wants independence from Indonesia.

He had to explain to Marty Natalegawa, the Indonesian foreign minister, that Britain does not back Free West Papua.

Mr Abbasi, who represents Cowley Marsh on Oxford City Council, said: “I was there because it was a civic engagement, which doesn’t mean I support their cause.”

Bob Price, the leader of the city council, said the authority had agreed to fly the West Papua flag on its independence day but did not necessarily support the cause.

A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said said: “The council, like all councils in Britain, is free to support whatever causes it wishes.”