I WONDER how many drivers have experienced road rage behaviour from fellow road users.

In Woodstock on Wednesday, I was driving on a familiar route into the town centre. The road is a narrow road that allows us to access the town centre from Hensington Road. There is a right-of-way for cars coming from the town centre.

A car swung round from the A44 into Hensington Road at speed and continued towards me when I was already driving in the road and therefore, the driver needed to stop and let me by, as is usual for those of us who are considerate.

This lady was not for stopping. She was outraged and pointed to the sign that said she had right of way. I am writing to you to apologise publicly for my not contacting the police on 101 and explaining the situation.

I was influenced (maybe) by the man by this lady’s side who was sitting silently and who made me feel this was not an isolated case for this lady’s behaviour on the road.

Swinging into Hensington Road, from the A44 Woodstock, without looking at the road situation ahead, is certainly not OK.

Once a police sergeant, always a police sergeant. I was a dedicated police sergeant in Oxfordshire.

In future, if anyone displays road rage and bullying tactics like this, I will ring 101 to access police and explain the situation and give them a number plate, for their future reference.

Hordley House

P.S. I have just eaten a delicious meal at The Boat Inn at Thrupp near Kidlington. I wish them all good success.