HISTORY is wonderful with the benefit of hindsight (Mr Siret’s letter). So here are some alternatives from the times.

The Khmer Rouge was recognised by virtually every Western government as the alternative to the communist government in Cambodia and retained a seat in the United Nations during the Vietnam war, but subsequently introduced its extreme socialist ideology and genocide after taking power.

Mrs Thatcher did regard the ANC as a terrorist organisation.

However, a close friend of Mr Mandela has revealed that she probably played a significant role in preventing the death sentence being passed on him, berating South Africa’s president DeKlerk that he should release Mr Mandela from prison. She was later welcomed into Mr Mandela’s home.

Also, the Belgrano was a battleship, not a sightseeing cruise liner and its captain subsequently recognised that it was a legitimate conflict target, as he had been ordered to attack British shipping.

Yes Margaret Thatcher may have made mistakes, which politician hasn’t?

IAN CUMMINGS, Gibson Close, Abingdon.