Sir – At 5pm on Friday, May 3, I went to County Hall to look at the election results.

The number of votes cast for each candidate was stated but no mention of the percentage of voters who had bothered to vote.

I gather it was in the low 30s. I am not surprised so few turned out. In my division, Marston and Northway, I never saw a single poster. Worse, though I looked at many notice boards, I could not see any official notice.

A week earlier I had phoned the Town Hall and complained — apathy reigned! Looking at the results, I see the seats gained by each party are far from representing the views of each district.

In West Oxfordshire, the Tories with just 43 per cent of votes cast, won 90 per cent of the seats.

In Cherwell, with 42 per cent of votes, they got two-thirds of the seats.

In the Vale of White Horse, the Lib Dems took seven seats with only 31.5 per cent of votes. The Tories got 35 per cent but only five seats. How disproportionate.

M. Hugh Jones (Mr), Headington