Sir – As usual Christopher Gray (that ‘Son of the Soke’, Gray Matters, May 2) got it wrong in assuming that the cry of Eric Pickles and others is for the return of the traditional counties as the main unit of local government (although this would have advantages).

All that is being asked is that the existence of the counties is recognised. This could be achieved by erecting ‘ brown’ sign on the traditional boundaries as was done in Humberside before the happy demise of that county. As for Mr Gray’s attack on Count Tolstoy (was he bullied at school by the count?) he can put whatever he likes on his address as postal counties were abolished by the Post Office in 1986. All that is required is the postcode preceded by whatever county the count prefers.

Mr Gray’s dinner partner, Ed Vaizey, is also mistaken if he believes the new boundaries are here to stay.

Local authority boundaries have constantly changed since 1974 so it is desirable to perpetuate those counties which have a history dating back 1200 years or more to give a sense of permanence in an ever changing world.

A. Watson, Oxford