NEWLY re-elected county council leader Ian Hudspeth has unveiled his new cabinet.

Mr Hudspeth was re-elected upopposed this morning at the first full council meeting since the elections on May 2.

He revealed a shake-up of the cabinet roles, with two new additions.

Rodney Rose will continue in his role as deputy leader, with responsibility for human resources, internal management, strateigic rail, fire control and emergency planning.

Former adult services cabinet member Arash Fatemian will take on the finance portfolio.

Hilary Biles will be cabinet member for public health and the voluntary and community sector, while Judy Heathcoat will have responsibility for adult social care.

David Nimmo Smith is a new addition to the front bench, with responsibility for environmental matters including transport.

Louise Chapman will be cabinet member for policy coordination and Melinda Tilley will continue her education role.

Nick Carter will be cabinet member for business and customer services and Lorraine Lyndsey-Gale will make a return to the front bench as cabinet member for community services.

At the meeting, Tory Tim Hallchurch was elected as chairman of the council, and Lib Dem Anne Purse became vice chairman.