Sir – On May 7, solicitors acting for CPRE Oxfordshire formally lodged an application for a judicial review of the planning permission granted to Oxford University for the Port Meadow flats on Roger Dudman Way.

The preparation and filing of the legal case has been 100 per cent funded by donations from members of the public, who have given almost £10,000 in little over a week for this purpose.

This fact alone should be deeply shaming to both the city council, which has a legal duty to protect Port Meadow, and to the leadership of Oxford University, who should know better.

The QC and solicitors have advised that the substance of the case is very strong, but are much less sure if a judge will agree to grant a review at this late stage of the development.

That is a chance CPRE have had to take, due to the absence of any sign that ongoing negotiations between council and University will produce anywhere near a satisfactory outcome for the thousands of people who oppose this development, and who were not consulted on it.

Toby Porter, Save Port Meadow Campaign, Oxford